Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"True Story - No Really" Dept.: My Eartha Kitt Story - a 12 pg comic by Christopher Yao

Last year I participated in a 12 Hour Comics Creation marathon sponsored by Ty Templeton's Comic Book Bootcamp and held at The Comic Book Lounge And Gallery.  I had been kicking around an idea to take some of the weirder one-on-ones I'd had with people I'd met while living in Toronto and making them into a short black and white comic drawn by a variety of artists. This was a perfect opportunity and I was lucky enough to have the INCREDIBLY talented Christopher Yao agree to work with me in the 12 hours we had to come up with something from scratch.  This story was created on the spot and Chrs drew each page as I was working two or three ahead to make sure that things held together the way I wanted it to. If I was to have the chance again, there are two scenes that had to be cut and there's some of the narrative that I would tweak here and there - but in the end, I think it's a very good representation of what happened and how I wanted to relate it.  Enjoy!

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